Jan 1, 2024

GILL ADAMS (Carmarthenshire Youth Support Service)

AWARD WINNER 2023-24: Gill receives an Award for her “exceptional” leadership of Carmarthenshire Youth Justice Service – driven by an unstinting commitment to the needs of young people – turning a previously struggling service into one now widely acknowledged as an example of best practice across the sector. [Gill’s Award is supported by Serco Justice & Immigration.]
Jan 1, 2024


AWARD WINNER 2023-24: Caragh’s Award is for her outstanding contribution, as a Senior Policy Advisor in HMPPS, to improving employment opportunities for prisoners, and for her ground-breaking initiative supporting colleagues with ‘lived experience’, and drawing on their experience to improve policy and practice throughout MoJ. [Caragh’s Award is supported by the Prison Governors Association.]
Jan 1, 2024


AWARD WINNER 2023-24: Irfa is granted an Award for her warmth and compassion, and engaging teaching style, as a Tutor at Heathrow IRC, opening new opportunities for future employment to her students, and improving their mental health and wellbeing at the same time; making her classroom, “a room full of hope”. [Irfa also receives the Keith Bromley Award for Education & Skills Training.]
Jan 1, 2024

JUSTIN LAIDLER (North Tyneside Youth Justice Service)

AWARD WINNER 2023-24: Justin’s Award is for all-round excellence as a Youth Justice Worker with North Tyneside YJS; for the boundless energy, passion, and positivity he brings to his role; and for his ability to build trust, and inspire hope, in those who others struggle to reach – ”every service should have a Justin”. [Justin’s Award is supported by Sodexo Government.]
Jan 1, 2024


AWARD WINNER 2023-24: As Catering Manager at HMP Wealstun, Neil’s Award is for transforming not only the prison’s food, but also, through his caring, patient, and inspirational approach, the lives and wellbeing of those he employs – who include, at his insistence, some of the most vulnerable and challenging men in the jail. [Neil also receives the POA Award for outstanding work by a Prison Officer.]
Jan 1, 2024

GLORIA MCKENNA (Probation Board for Northern Ireland)

AWARD WINNER 2023-24: Gloria receives an Award, as a Probation Officer in Northern Ireland for over 40 years, for her enduring professionalism; for her passionate support and encouragement of colleagues; and for the unfailing empathy, skill, and resilience she brings to all aspects of her work. [Gloria’s Award is supported by Interventions Alliance.]
Jan 1, 2024

AMIE MOLE (West Midlands Probation)

AWARD WINNER 2023-24: Amie is granted an Award as an exceptional Case Administrator with Coventry Probation, making a “huge difference” to the team, through her exemplary organisation and communication skills, the help she gives to colleagues, and the strong working relationships she has forged with partner agencies. [Amie’s Award is supported by Ingeus.]
Jan 1, 2024


AWARD WINNER 2023-24: Winston receives an Award for his unique talent and infectious approach as a Tailoring Instructor at HMP Downview, and for his relentless drive to empower the women he works with, and make a lasting difference to their lives; to his manager, “he is a credit to the Service”, to the women, “he’s a hero”. [Winston’s Award is supported by G4S Care & Rehabilitation Services.]
Jan 1, 2024


AWARD WINNER 2023-24: Anita wins an Award for her game-changing impact – recognised across HMPPS, and praised by the Chief Inspector of Prisons – as Equalities Lead at HMP/YOI Isis, achieved through the remarkable skill and creativity, strength of character, and resolute determination she has brought to the role. [Anita’s Award is supported by Mitie Care & Custody.]
Jan 1, 2024


AWARD WINNER 2023-24: Jamie’s Award is for his peerless compassion and commitment towards, and unrivalled ability to connect with and inspire, the children in his care, as a Manager on the Young Person’s Unit at HMP/YOI Parc – his nomination came from one of the residents, with another adding, “he’s the Dad I never had”. [Jamie’s Award is supported by The Hanley Trust.]
Jan 1, 2024


COMMENDEES 2023-24: Prison Officer, David, and Michaela, an Instructor, are Commended for their impact – described as “remarkable” by the Prisons & Probation Ombudsman – on the confidence, behaviour, and mental health of some of the most complex men in the prison, through their RESTART workshop in HMP Stafford.
Jan 1, 2024

SCOTT BOAL (HMP Buckley Hall)

COMMENDEE 2023-24: Scott’s Commendation is for the exemplary jailcraft, leadership ability, and dedication he shows as a Supervising Officer at HMP Buckley Hall, and for the care and support he gives to both prisoners and staff throughout the jail; to his Governor he is, quite simply, “a great person, doing great things”.